Meditation, November 2023

by t. loessin

 I bristle at the suggestion by the ultra-religious who tell me

“if we but turn it all over to the Lord,
God will take care of everything.”  

When I hear this I often sense the person is overlooking any personal responsibility we might share ourselves for solving the problems in our life or the world around us – local or global.

This oft repeated mantra of the faithful, in my view, only contributes to the great evils to which humans are prone: boredom, vice, and poverty. 

In taking their supra-optimistic approach to life rather than a more realistic path, these folk give in to passivity and moral lethargy and it avoids the very real local problems that come along our way created by random natural occurrences and human apathy that could be prevented with effort.  

"Do we just wait for the next earthquake to happen, trusting God to take care of us the next time?" asked the survivors in Lisbon after their 1755 disaster.  

It is estimated that over 50 thousand people died 
in the 8.0 Lisbon earthquake
November 1, 1755
The event was widely discussed by European Enlightenment philosophers who criticized the Church's position that taught the earthquake was the result of human sin.
The discussions would inspire major revisions in church teachings about disease and disasters. And, as it was the first earthquake studied scientifically for its effects over a large area, it led to the birth of modern seismology and earthquake engineering safeguards.
Or, do we get up from our despair and take proactive measures – in construction improvements and scientific study – that would prevent such levels of carnage the next time?

I’m happy to say that some good did come out of that 1755 disaster and led to an awakening, a new way of thinking about the world that many credit as the beginnings of the Age of Enlightenment.

In my view, the Good Lord, yes, is “our refuge and strength in times of trouble” but God gave us two hands and a brain and expects us to use them. 

In my view, God helps those who stand up and help themselves in this life.  Not those who sit around waiting for the next manna to fall from heaven.  If we are to improve and save our world, as Voltaire says:

“we must cultivate our own garden.”
-- Voltaire's "Candide,"
a publication said to have been occasioned
by the 1755 Lisbon earthquake.

Each of us has a choice in this life.  We can choose to sit on our ass and let life happen to us.  Or, we can choose to do something -- big things or small things -- anything in our homes, our communities, our world that will ensure our children and grandchildren have a better world rather than a doomed world. 

We can choose to listen with open minds to the simple measures that protect ocean life like ending our use of plastic shopping bags and plastic straws.  

We can choose to be open to hearing about the damage that’s being caused to our world’s atmosphere by the continued use of fossil fuels and consider ways we can decrease our own use, and make our concerns about increasing global warming very clear the next time we're in the voting booth.

And then there’s the personal responsibility we should be taking in regards to our health.  If you don’t want to accept the great strides that have been made in scientific research and medical advancements, and this includes immunology – then, fine.  Continue to live in your dark ages.  

But please consider the reaction you may receive from the rest of us who choose to get vaccinated and are tired of our health insurance rates going up and our children sitting in the same classroom as yours being put at risk because you chose not to get vaccinated.

2023 proved without any doubt
the efficacy of the COVID vaccines.

Thanks to the anti-vaxxers out there, for the first time in a decade the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention announced this month that measles cases increased - and not a small amount - by nearly 20% globally in 2022. Compared to 2021, deaths globally have increased by 43%, according to the CDC. “The increase in measles outbreaks and deaths is staggering, but unfortunately, not unexpected given the declining vaccination rates we’ve seen in the past few years in formerly educated industriailzed nations like the United Sates,” said John Vertefeuille, director of CDC’s Global Immunization Division.  Thank you Facebook, you great cesspool of Misinformation!

The Cost Increases in our Healthcare
related to Cigarette Smoking are huge

The increased incidence of
Cardiovascular Diseases / Stroke
in Red Meat eaters.

Or those of you who choose to continue to smoke or vape, or continue to eat red meat don't whine to us about your blood pressure and your pulmonary issues -- when the science is clear, you've been sufficiently warned.

And before you let me have it, you're right -
I've made some horrible personal choices in my own 60 years on this planet.  

A lot of 'em!  I'm not preaching at you, choir, I'm preaching for us all, myself included. 

While we all have fallen short in regard to consistently making responsible personal choices, isn't the question for all of us now, on this day, in this moment - when will we begin doing what we know we should be doing?

C’mon people, stop with the foolish conspiracy theories and the spreading of misinformation.  Stop getting your news and medical information off TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook!  

Choose wisely and be personally responsible.  Because your misguided choices are making life hell for the rest of us.

Oh yes, I too believe God will take care of this ol’ world.  The question is 

-- for we the human race that God gifted Free Will to in order to make our own choices -- 

will we be around to see this planet’s future?  Or, doom ourselves thanks to the personal choices God allows us to make.  

What role will you personally play in ensuring that future?


Terry's Monthly Meditations


More of Terry's Written Works

Short Stories:
Book Reviews:

Favorite Articles:

Terry’s “Good Living” Guide:

Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics;
Beef, Butter, Breads;
Sedentary activities, Sugars, Salt.
Trust me,
you’ll be feeling better in no time!

Mind & Spirit:
Avoid the 3 F’s
Manufactured in these mediums are
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!



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