I hope2. Morning (1985)3. Rare Winters When (1992)4. What's Wrong With Dying Published, Poetry Today
(1990)5. My Yesterday, My Today (2022)6. After the Rain (2024)7. Mom's Gifts (for Mom, 2023)8. Autumn (1984)9. Bagels & Biscuits (1982) Published Choral Lyrics, 199010. Wisdom Comes... (2017)11. Ode to Fox & Friends (2017)12. an inevitable deficiency syndrome Published, Southwestern Magazine
(1985)13. My Adonais (for Jason, 2005) Paying homage to Percy Shelley14. Psalm of Remembrance (1990) Published Hymn Lyrics
15. Thank You For This Time
Dedicated to Crosby Brethren Church____________
1. powdered sand and glisteningglass
see how I would lift the gift ofsea in hand and, sifting,pass
to islands in the Aegean Seawhere I once swam; and dreaming,wait.
For gods who touched this lovedland do come to call in gentlegait
and take me back to memories madeof deep blue seas and white-washedwalls
Wrapped all 'round cliffs who shadeand cling to him who surelycalls.
for Jason
"Santorini"© Copyright 1986. Contact the author
for publication permission.
Morning dewprevents my viewwhile peering throughmy window pane
Sun shines througha droplets laneand finding youfinds rest there too
on golden hairit dances therewithout careand you smile
now fears resignas all the whilein silent signyour hand grasps mine...
"Morning"© Copyright 1985. Contact the author for publication permission.
15. Thank You For This Time
Dedicated to Crosby Brethren Church
for publication permission.
"Rare Winters When"
Dear brotherRemember those rare winters whensnow actually fellbefore the great tree hunt andsmall quail scurriedsoft as a whisperacross white pastureswe called our backyard?
We would wakespeechless,stilltoo stunnedby this silence seldom seenthrough country lace and glass.
“Snow!” “Snow!” we both screamed.
Like a great blanket draping the barnyard,reshaping all that was familiar,cleansing, refreshingthe slate that held our memoriesstill -
Our show lambs roamed in curious questalong their new precarious stage,fading in and out of viewin matching white season coats,"Look at us, look at us,now we're light, now we're dark,now you see us, now you don't...still,you’ll never see us slip for heaven’s sake!”
"If only...," he'd snipe,"you always slip," he'd gripe.
Still...if only silence such as this could lastand fowl found reason not to crowand he who shunned the sun stayed sleepingstilland found reason not to show, or even wake!
We would leap,bundled by mom,from the old back porchas the screen door bangedto the beat of our bootsmaking our way across the field -finally reaching the only green growingstillin that miraculously pure, white-washed world.
We needed no preacher to point from the pulpitto bring this lesson home -the green Cedar standinglike the signpost it wasin that bitter cold and lifeless worlddesperately reaching up to the All-knowing...still,we knew what it was, an unspoken word.
An unspoken word gifted upon the canvaswarming our hearts,stilling the chill,if only for a timebefore the call we knew would cometo return inside our small San Gabriel homehesitating, hoping hope could come in too...instead,dawn had come for him, it always would.
"If only...," he'd snipe,"you always bang," he'd gripe.
Still,sometimes later I'd recallthose rare winters whenthere’d actually be snowbefore the great tree huntand you were by my side
Still later would I find peacein looking back at thesefond memories of those timesand find that remedyfor that which plaques my mind
Still, brother,how was it thensuch peace you always seemed to know?
"Rare Winters When"
© Copyright 1992. Contact the author for publication permission___________________________
"what's wrong with dying"

today...while others are afraid of crying
i am afraid of laughing
i see the people fightingthe children starvingthe babies dying
lets stop the lying
there's no room for smilingor any hopeless sighing
let's do more than praying
tomorrow...while others are afraid of dying
i am afraid of living.
"what's wrong with dying"© Copyright 1990.
Published, Poetry Today: Fall Supplement 1990.
Contact the author for publication permission._______________5.
"My Yesterday, My Today"
Cottonhead was my tag as a tiny totBut o'er the years it sure has morphed a lotFrom dirty to platinum blond, and then --Who'd of thunk it - white again!My eyes still look especially blueWhen wearing shirts of cauliflower hue.Periwinkle picks up their pixels as wellAs do azure, indigo, teal and kale.But too many lines have now come 'round --Sun? Tears? Or just my mileage all around?Indeed this mug has got around, it's said,The things I did would turn most sailors red.This new chapter's been a welcome kind:Centering on healthier norms, a clearer mind;Visiting with family, friends, and neighborsWhile enjoying the fruits of all my labors.But mostly I like solitude.Though I fear it comes off rude.I simply prefer lounging nudeWhen reading works with verisimilitude --Historical fiction mostly but some mysteries tooAnd every now and then a historical overview.I binge on BritBox, PBS, and Sci-Fi flix -And catch The Wheel each night at half past six.
I love my yard and all my plants,Sustaining life despite our circumstance:The heat and drought get worse each yearSo succulents seem the way I'll steer!
My strength grows weaker as dusk draws nearerSo I'm doling out wisdom to you, patient hearer:
"Ride 'em hard and get it while there's gettin' to be gitJust know when it's time to hang up ye saddle and kit."
"My Yesterday, My Today"© Copyright 2022. Contact the author for publication permission.
"After the Rain"
Prší! Prší!
said my babička in Czech
It’s raining, raining!
What the heck!
Here's what I love so much after the rain:
Watching fog and mist rise gently off the plain,
Counting tiny mystery mounds
Popping up on all my muddy grounds,
Birds deciding it's safe again to fly,
Long-absent Sun breaking through the sky,
and little puddles scattered here and there
all lighting up in its bright glare.
Hush now! in this mist and fog,
Can you hear that ol’ bullfrog?
Wet and happy he leaps high
hopping, skipping on to bye and bye…
Lord, let not the rain be so rare and lean
I love the way it makes things all so clean.
This drought’s gone on quite long enough
It’s hard to plant in ground that’s tough.
Prší! Prší!
said my babička in Czech
It’s raining, raining…
bring it back!
"After the rain"© Copyright 2024.for publication permission._____________________
"Mom's Gifts"
We would wake
“Snow!” “Snow!” we both screamed.
Like a great blanket draping the barnyard,

Our show lambs roamed in curious quest
"If only...," he'd snipe,
We would leap,
We needed no preacher to point from the pulpit
An unspoken word gifted upon the canvas
"If only...," he'd snipe,
Still later would I find peace
Still, brother,
© Copyright 1992.
"what's wrong with dying"
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Published, Poetry Today: Fall Supplement 1990.
Contact the author for publication permission.
"Ride 'em hard and get it while there's gettin' to be git
"After the Rain"
Prší! Prší!
said my babička in Czech
It’s raining, raining!
What the heck!
Here's what I love so much after the rain:
Watching fog and mist rise gently off the plain,
Counting tiny mystery mounds
Popping up on all my muddy grounds,
Birds deciding it's safe again to fly,
Long-absent Sun breaking through the sky,
and little puddles scattered here and there
all lighting up in its bright glare.
Hush now! in this mist and fog,
Can you hear that ol’ bullfrog?
Wet and happy he leaps high
hopping, skipping on to bye and bye…
Lord, let not the rain be so rare and lean
I love the way it makes things all so clean.
This drought’s gone on quite long enough
It’s hard to plant in ground that’s tough.
said my babička in Czech
It’s raining, raining…
bring it back!
Kitchen Counters
Lined with Jars
Lifted from Steam
by Towel-Wrapped Hands
from Hot Pressure Pots
always busy on your stove.
How I loved to hear the
pop, pop, popping
of their sealing lids.Your canning
kept us all so well.
Den Floor Rugs
Lined with Tots
Dropped off each Morn
By Racing Moms from
Nearby Homes fully
Trusting in your Love.
How I loved to hear the
caw, caw, cackling
of those crazy kids.
You loved them
all so very well.
Sidewalk Beds
Lined with Pots
Planted with Pride
Prettied up our Home with
Hues of every shade and the
Cuttings you would share.
How I loved to find the
bud, bud, budding
you gifted us each Spring.
Your labors
kept that yard so well.
Nursing Home Wards
Lined with Rooms
Closed off from the World
Still Racing on Outside.
It's here I find you now each week
longing for you to speak – Oh, Mom,
I want to hear you tell again your
sweet, sweet tales
of faith and hope and family.
Your stories
warmed my heart so well.
"Mom's Gifts"© Copyright 2023. Contact the author for publication permission.
Kitchen Counters
Lined with JarsLifted from Steam
by Towel-Wrapped Hands
from Hot Pressure Pots
always busy on your stove.
How I loved to hear the
pop, pop, popping
of their sealing lids.
Your canning
kept us all so well.
Den Floor Rugs
Lined with Tots
Dropped off each Morn
By Racing Moms from
Nearby Homes fully
Trusting in your Love.
How I loved to hear the
caw, caw, cackling
of those crazy kids.
You loved them
all so very well.
Sidewalk Beds
Lined with Pots
Planted with Pride
Prettied up our Home with
Hues of every shade and the
Cuttings you would share.
How I loved to find the
bud, bud, budding
you gifted us each Spring.
Your labors
kept that yard so well.
Nursing Home Wards
Lined with Rooms
Closed off from the World
Still Racing on Outside.
It's here I find you now each week
longing for you to speak – Oh, Mom,
I want to hear you tell again your
sweet, sweet tales
of faith and hope and family.
Your stories
warmed my heart so well.
- Terry's Poetry
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- Short Story:
- Grandfather's Checkbook
- Tales of Bubba - | FAITH and SPIRITUALITY
a god died today
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"Bagels and Biscuits" Bagels and Biscuits,
was set to music by an S.U. professor and accomplished composer, Dr. Ted Lucas.
I am pleased the piece continues to be
performed all over the country.
and delight your singers,
Bagels and Biscuits is it!"
"A great encore or opener selection for your choral concert!"
takes to the stage
disguised to all
Published, Southwestern Magazine: Fall 1985.
(paying homage to Percy Shelley
and dedicated to Jason)
but of the holiness
of the heart's affections."
Ήσουν το αστέρι του πρωινού ανάμεσα στους ζωντανούς. Τώρα, έχοντας πεθάνει, είναι σαν ο Έσπερος, να δίνεις νέα λαμπρότητα στους νεκρούς.
("Thy were the morning star among the living,
[4] This is Shelley's own translation of "Epigram on Aster" by Plato; Aster (Star) was a young man whom Plato once loved. Hesperus is the evening star; it and the 'morning star' are classical references to Venus.
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Jason and I would become obsessed with our dissection of Shelley's moving tribute to his beloved Keats. |
No, not ever.
[5] quoted here were three song titles sung by Frankie in the cult classic "Rocky Horror Picture Show" - including, from the film's closing scene, the melancholy number "I'm Going Home." Only once did Jason dress up as Frankie - for a Halloween costume party. Unlike myself who did a weekly stint as Rocky.
[6] In 1990, after receiving my M.Div., I did indeed take my Ordination vows in the Church. In that same year, Jason would graduate from Baylor Medical School. I attended, of course, and witnessed him taking the Hippocratic Oath. He then became the psychiatrist that he always envisioned. The path I chose was, in his view, a mistake.
[7] Included in my note was a final stanza from Shelley's "Adonais."
[8] Shelley's "bitter wind" alludes to Byron's death of consumption. I am of course alluding to Jason's death from AIDS.
[9] So disdainful is Shelley of a world where "we decay / Like corpses in a charnel," that his work "Adonais" clearly strains the traditional obligation of an elegy which is supposed to reconcile mourners to their loss and comfort them. Instead, here in these lines, he seems to recommend escape to the world beyond. Also worth noting, in an elegiac tribute to his friend and former bandmate (Brian Jones) at a huge concert in London, Mick Jagger read these lines from "Adonais" in a tone of celebration.
in truth, I long to join you now --
"My Adonais"
and dedicated to Jason)
Global Missions Sunday, 1990.
My family background being Czech
should provide explanation for the mention of
Sts. Cyril and Methodius.
Pope John Paul II wrote that one of the greatest events
in the history of evangelization was certainly the
9th century mission of the two brothers from Thessalonica,
Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius, to the Slavs.
They introduced the Gospel and at the same time
laid the foundations of Slavic culture, including the Cyrillic alphabet.
The late pope noted that both were active in the struggle to
maintain the unity of the Eastern and Western Church,
even though this unity had already begun to crumble.
To the brothers who brought the gospel's hopeful message
to my ancestors, I dedicate this poem.
[Recommended tune: Netherland's Melody]
Who with courage and confidence led the mighty mission
to spread the word of God and Good News of our Lord.
To the land of our parents came two faithful brothers
Like Peter and Paul who first led the mighty mission
Saints Cyril and Methodius worked for the same.
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Eastern Orthodox missionaries Cyril & Methodius converting the Slavic people, 10th c. |
have journeyed and labored in far away lands
From the shores of this nation when early it was founded
to the people of West Indies and Africa's sands.
The chore is not ended as Christians all over
united in efforts and longing for peace
Join hands to fight poverty and bring liberation
who live where freedom's rare and hearts yearn for God's Peace.
it's hard for me to say
just what I want to say
and in those times I must
write my words
and I hope you'll understand
remember you
another step to take,
God has a plan for us
I'll understand
we take along the way
gives something in return
[Dedicated to Crosby Brethren Church]
______________________________Terry’s “Good Living” Guide:
Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics;
Beef, Butter, Breads;Sedentary activities, Sugars, Salt.
Trust me,
you’ll be feeling better in no time!Mind & Spirit:
Avoid the 3 F’sManufactured in these mediums are
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!
Terry’s “Good Living” Guide:
Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics;
Beef, Butter, Breads;
you’ll be feeling better in no time!
Avoid the 3 F’s
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!
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