Navigating Through the Uncertainties
that Lie Between the Certain
that Lie Between the Certain
We know only two things for certain:
"I am," and "I will die."
"I am," and "I will die."
Whatever it may be that human beings 'hold dear'; 'strive for'; or otherwise seize upon with significance as they journey between these two certainties
- even if it is choosing with intention non-belief in a spiritual realm or being -
becomes a philosophy that impacts their state of existence between those two certainties.
- even if it is choosing with intention non-belief in a spiritual realm or being -
becomes a philosophy that impacts their state of existence between those two certainties.
The philosophy I elect to guide me and aid in navigating through those two realities I call my spirituality.
Why dedicating time and energy to Faith and Spirituality
remains relevant in my life:
remains relevant in my life:
There are elements of my spirituality I accept as 'relevant, but lacking in provability'
but which I elect to maintain as part of my spirituality purely on the basis of
faith -
in the goodness and intention from which they have historically originated,
in the assurance and hope these ideas provably provided my ancestors,
and a recognition of the contribution they make today to my own moral compass.
Both in my success and failure
to remain true to the spiritual philosophy
that I claim guides my journey in this life -
and, yes, I've fallen off course many times
in small and large ways -
that I claim guides my journey in this life -
and, yes, I've fallen off course many times
in small and large ways -
it is the reality of all that I am certain coupled with the faith-based beliefs I cherish
that provide me with the ongoing needs I require in living a fulfilling life -
these needs consisting of:
meaning and hope in times of adversity,
meaning and hope in times of adversity,
a guiding purpose in decision-making and action that sets my course aright again,
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UNIVERSALISM "We do not have to think alike in order to love alike." - English Methodist founder, John Wesley. |
My Own Evolutionary Process
Toward A Universalist Understanding:
Given that my own "sitz im leben" has been one of being born into the western Christian tradition,
and the fact that my post-graduate work was done at a Christian seminary
after receiving my Bachelor of Arts in the study of World Religions,
it should not be surprising to any that there remains in my own personal spirituality today
a core set of beliefs that are to be found in the teachings of the 1st century rabbi, Jesus of Nazareth.
Yet, even more relevant to my spirituality today,
are the commonalities I have found between the teachings of Jesus
and those found in the writings of our world's other great religions.
Relevant because it has led me to a fuller appreciation of these other cultures, the religious understandings that have evolved in their own "sitz im leben", and, finally, to my universalist beliefs that,
simply stated, are:
simply stated, are:
- that spirituality - this inner urge that leads us to nurture a philosophy that will guide us in life - is a universally human quality innate within us and found to be evolving since the dawn of humankind.
- that over time these spiritual philosophies, unique to the cultures that cultivated them, became institutionalized and as religions, often claiming to be the sole possessors of truth, they have been at times both blessing and curse in human history.
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While in college and seminary I became enthralled with Process theology, reading the works of Whitehead, Hartshorne, and Cobb. "Process theology sees the universe as creative, inter-relational, dynamic, and open to the future. In process theology, God is relational, present in every moment of our lives and in all entities and levels of being. The world is interconnected, in effect a giant ecosystem, where what harms or blesses one, harms or blesses all." Watch Video: A Brief Introduction to Process Thought |
and, more importantly,
- it is when we come together as one humanity on this Earth, lifting up our common appreciation of what has come down through the religions of the ages as Universal Truths - to love that which is Good and to love one another - it is then that we truly move closer toward a universal reconciliation of the world's people. In knowing these two essential Truths, in believing in them and so doing, we become one with that which is divine.
In essentials; Unity.
In non-essentials; Liberty.
In all things; Love.
speaking words that reflect infantile understandings about race, about other cultures, about other faiths, about temporal entities like nationalities that are insignificant in the eternal sense, - when we set ourselves up as "better" or as "judges" of our fellow humankind,
we reject these universal Truths we claim we all believe in,
we separate ourselves from what is Good, we reject the Divine.
Religious practices that continue to set "we" against "they";
that remain exclusivist in their doctrine;
They speak of love, "but only if...";
God speaks of love,
unconditional love.
I ask you:
What loving God would create all of this
and then damn over half of God's children simply because they were neither borne into
nor ever came to know in their lifetime the particular truths of some other religion
practiced in some other part of the globe?
Such exclusivist theologies and absolutist dogma I find anathema to all that is revealed plainly around me in this created order defined by its diversity as well as its continuous evolution and change. What is plain today is that it is these very ideas that are still preached in the fundamentalist houses of multiple religious faiths today - fear-based, culturally-ignorant, hate-generating and divisive ideologies - that fuel the actions of those who bring upon us the horrors of religious fanaticism.
What loving God would create all of this
and then damn over half of God's children simply because they were neither borne into
nor ever came to know in their lifetime the particular truths of some other religion
practiced in some other part of the globe?
Such exclusivist theologies and absolutist dogma I find anathema to all that is revealed plainly around me in this created order defined by its diversity as well as its continuous evolution and change. What is plain today is that it is these very ideas that are still preached in the fundamentalist houses of multiple religious faiths today - fear-based, culturally-ignorant, hate-generating and divisive ideologies - that fuel the actions of those who bring upon us the horrors of religious fanaticism.
This goal of universal reconciliation - call it what you will:
"Peace on Earth"; "the Kingdom of God";
in my view, is a divine expectation and a worthy aim for all humankind.
It is when we as a human race unite in our pursuit of those common Truths -
the pursuit of Goodness and love of one another -
that we truly reflect what is in our hearts
and there is not one world religion that does not tell us that
this is where the divine resides -
this is where the divine resides -
within us.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
'The kingdom of God cometh not with oberservation:
neither shall they say, Lo there! or, lo there!
for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.'
What the undeveloped man seeks is outside;
what the advanced man seeks is within himself.
If you think the Truth is outside yourself,
you are embracing not the Absolute Truth
but some inferior teaching.
Do not search in the distant skies for God.
In man's own heart is the Divine found.
God abides hidden in the hearts of all humankind.
Why wilt thou go to the jungles? What do you hope to find there?
Even as the scent dwells within the flower,
so God within thine own heart ever abides.
Seek God with earnestness and find God there.
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
A man obtains a proper rule of action by looking on his neighbor as himself.
Full of love for all things in the world, practicing virtue in order to benefit others,
this man alone is happy.
Seek to be in harmony with all your neighbors;
live in unity with your brethren.
Enjoy looking through my Library:
My Spirituality Today | My Monthly Meditations
| Books that Shaped My Spiritual Thinking |
Living in the Present Guided By Stoicism & Tolle
______________________________Terry’s “Good Living” Guide:
Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics;
Beef, Butter, Breads;Sedentary activities, Sugars, Salt.
Trust me,
you’ll be feeling better in no time!Mind & Spirit:
Avoid the 3 F’sManufactured in these mediums are
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!
Enjoy looking through my Library:
My Spirituality Today | My Monthly Meditations
| Books that Shaped My Spiritual Thinking |
Living in the Present Guided By Stoicism & Tolle
My Spirituality Today | My Monthly Meditations
| Books that Shaped My Spiritual Thinking |
Living in the Present Guided By Stoicism & Tolle
Terry’s “Good Living” Guide:
Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics;
Beef, Butter, Breads;
Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics;
Beef, Butter, Breads;
Sedentary activities, Sugars, Salt.
Trust me,
you’ll be feeling better in no time!
you’ll be feeling better in no time!
Mind & Spirit:
Avoid the 3 F’s
Avoid the 3 F’s
Manufactured in these mediums are
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!
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