Terry gives it: ++++
"This is not one of those war movies that requires merely a general like for battleships, fighter planes, and bang 'em up action....This is a war propaganda film meant to educate an audience who, at the time of its release, were fairly abreast of the circumstances in Czechoslovakia being portrayed here...
Before viewing, viewers should research how Reinhard Heydrich earned the nickname "Hangman of Europe" and educate themselves about such atrocities as The Murder of Lidice...."
Terry gives it: +++++
"Never have I come across a film or a story that so perfectly conveys something I have thought and believed for some time:
- Read Terry's Film Review,

"Never have I come across a film or a story that so perfectly conveys something I have thought and believed for some time:
So much Wrong is so often borne with those so certain they alone are so Right!"
- Read Terry's Film Review,
"The White Ribbon"
Enjoy looking through my Library:
Terry’s “Good Living” Guide:
Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics
Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics
Sedentary activities, Sugars, Salt;
Beef, Butter, Breads
Beef, Butter, Breads
Trust me,
you’ll be feeling better in no time!
you’ll be feeling better in no time!
Mind & Spirit:
Avoid the 3 F’s
Avoid the 3 F’s
False Prophets on Talk Radio,
FOX News, Facebook.
FOX News, Facebook.
Manufactured in these mediums are
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!
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