August, 2024


Internet "medicine man"
Cancer's Cause & Cure!

It took a month for me to feel that I was
able to resume talking / texting with
a certain "group-text" I'm a part of
after one of the members in this group
sent this picture out following
the Trump assassination attempt:

What Would Jesus Do...
about this type of
blasphemous propaganda?

Though quite difficult for me, I remained silent in response to this sacrilege, 
restraining myself from blasting about--

the type of religious idolatry and clear violation of the 1st commandment that is reflected in this image, 

the dangerous message implied in this bizarre image that seems to depict a desire for theocratic rule and a cojoining of church and state, 

the clear need for the senders of such material to undergo deprogramming sessions aimed at rescuing them from this increasingly frightening cult they've joined.  

Yep, I successfully held my tongue and said nothing.

After about a month of the silent treatment I slowly resumed my participation by offering up kind replies to the group's texts and, at some point, I shared that a friend of mine was losing his long battle with cancer and will be placed on hospice.  I simply asked that we keep the family in our prayers.

In response, one of the replies I received stated: "our neighbor had cancer and we all prayed for her and she beat it...if we pray hard enough miracles happen."  

Oh, gee whiz, let me just shoot that reminder text to my friend's wife and family and tell them they just need to pray harder and all will be well!   

Good grief!

But worse, in response to my share, a member in this group forwards to us a multiple image text of this bit of social media misinformation:

Ah hah, so let me get this straight:  cancer is not caused by such traditionally listed causes as family history, genetic disorders, environmental exposures to chemicals, radiation, smoking, excessive UV exposure, oh no -   

"cancer is a parasite" apparently
and the body simply needs cleansing with....
who would have guessed -

good ol' Ivermectin! 

You recall this one? 
That same horse medicine we were told two years ago that we should all be taking during the Covid pandemic rather than the evil vaccine Bill Gates created in order to implant us with tracking devices...

You know, I've had enough of the bullcrap. 
So, let me be clear,

Social media platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, ridiculous "X" and others need to start being held accountable for the dangerous medical misinformation they allow to be posted on their sites:

2.   Cancer is not a parasitic infection. 

The American Cancer Society
explains more succinctly the truth about certain parasitic worms (liver flukes, a type of flatworm) that are not found in the United States but other parts of the world that have been linked to cancer of the bile ducts:

3.   Ivermectin is not a cure for Covid or Cancer.

In late 2021, the FDA issued a formal alert (archived here) against taking paste intended for animals.

Peter Lee, chair of the Department of Immuno-Oncology at City of Hope, one of the largest cancer research and treatment organizations in the United States, 
leads a team exploring whether ivermectin kills cancer cells and he notes that, "yes, a few studies have indicated this to be happening but only when combined with an immune activation source and only when specific doses were done at specific times." 

"We're really in the process of figuring out this multi-step process now.  The studies that were done make clear that simply saying somebody's going to take some ivermectin that they got from a veterinarian office -- that's not gonna fly."


As you can imagine, unlike that "Jesus backs Trump" image, this time I could not remain silent.  

And so, I replied:

In the 1800s Old West, “medicine men” hawking their miracle cures in religion-infused “medicine shows” were common.  They’d roll into your town square with their brightly colored wagons and set up their stage and begin hawking their latest cure-all tonics and potions while preaching a litany of misinformation about health and medicine.  The consequences were more-oft than not quite tragic.  

Soon after the show departed the townspeople would begin suffering severe repercussions from following the quack advice they were given and partaking in the dangerous tonics they had foolishly purchased – and worse, many often died.  Sadly still, these sick and dying more oft than not refused to believe their new sufferings were a result of any tonic or advice they had accepted from good Christian sources and would seek instead further alternative quack cures – some of which had even been suitably “blessed by the clergy.”

I recall a story I once read about a traveling circuit judge named Arthur Bradshaw who, in the 1880s, was called to the town of Plattsmouth Nebraska.  A deputy in Plattsmouth had locked up two of these traveling “medicine men” – brothers, Tom and Satchel Cornich – for being responsible for the deaths of six people in his town.  The lawman wanted them sentenced to death for the poisoning of these citizens.  

Bradshaw began his own investigation, first submitting this “miracle tonic for every human ailment known on Earth” (as the brothers had labeled their tonic) to a chemist in Chicago.  

The results?  The Cornich brothers were selling sulfur tablets dissolved in water with a tinch of alcohol.  Worse, Bradshaw discovered that in the three previous towns visited by the Cornich brothers’ “Miracles Most Melodious Medicine Show” other deaths had also occurred – and by Judge Bradshaw’s estimation, at least 100 deaths were a result of the Cornich tonic.

“Sadly,” said the Judge in his closing sentencing remarks, “I am unable to lay upon these evil-doers the charge of murder, but only fraud.  I certainly wish otherwise.  

However, by levying upon them the maximum penalty for the lies they told people about health and medicine as well as the deadly effects of their product my hope is that my decision will call this case to the attention of all people in these United States of America and they, too, will learn this lesson:   Quackery kills.”

Yes, quackery kills.  And this is why I speak up when I hear it.  

I can remain silent and simply roll my eyes in response to political ignorance.  It is usually benign, causing no physical harm (we hope), sown most often in the harmless echo chambers of the like-minded.  

But when it comes to scientific, medical information it’s a different story.  Today’s social media sites are replete with lies and misinformation that have the potential to cause real and lasting physical harm to gullible and impressionable people who believe conspiracy-laced information rather than research legitimate medical sites and review verifiable data.

200 years later in the 21st century “medicine men” profit off of sowing such conspiracies in “medicine shows” on the Internet.  Still remembering to cloak their misinformation in religious language, they hawk their “alternative” cure-alls to the gullible and impressionable as being more legit than treatments that have undergone extensive testing for proven effectiveness.  

It is so sad that so many unvaccinated needlessly died from Covid because they themselves or dominant voices in their family chose to believe the misinformation sown by fraudsters on the Internet seeking to garner political points with a certain faction of our country or make money on some alternative treatment.   Time and again data has shown the Covid vaccines to be 90-95 % effective in “preventing the further development of more serious or fatal symptoms” of the Covid virus.  

Yet, rather than accept the multitude of data and research on these vaccines for humans – developed through scientific research in medical laboratories – some folks felt it would somehow be safer to turn to a medication – developed through scientific research in a medical laboratory – for horses.   

But, even more troubling now, from what I’m hearing in the medical misinformation shared earlier today is that this horse medication is now the miracle cure for cancer as well.  

I could not be silent in the face of something as troubling as this.  It’s pure rubbish and should be called out for what it is.  Quackery!

And, Quackery kills.


For more information, visit:


More of Terry's Meditations

May, 2023

February, 2023
In an Age of Division Can We Find Our Way
To Love and Accept Everyone?

January, 2023
What Do You Know About the Man?


More of Terry'sWritten Works

Short Stories:

Terry’s “Good Living” Guide:

Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics;
Beef, Butter, Breads;
Sedentary activities, Sugars, Salt.
Trust me,
you’ll be feeling better in no time!

Mind & Spirit:
Avoid the 3 F’s
Manufactured in these mediums are
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!



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