Christmas 2023

Terry & Arne
Wishing each of you
a wonderful holiday season!

It will be a bittersweet
Christmas 2023,

having lost Mom
in August.

Mom's favorite color
was red

and so I decided
to honor her
with a vibrant
red tree
on the front patio

We had a visit from Mom,
delightfully surprising, 
at our 
extended family gathering.
A small dog walked into the hall's kitchen
and spent the entire afternoon with us.

Quite affectionate, we all fell in love with her.
Her collar tag:  


I'm calling this not a coincidence, but a Christmas Miracle!

My maternal side meets annually and this year we met in Thorndale, TX at the Senior Citizen Hall, which was a nice facility.  So much great food! 

After stuffing ourselves we played CIX - our favorite family board game!  I partnered with my Aunt Angie at one of the table competitions and we won! 

I prepared a slideshow of pics from old family gatherings that folks enjoyed seeing on the screen.  We shared cards and gifts with each other ... such great fellowship.  

We are a blessed family indeed and I love my family very much.

My brother Kelly and wife Stacey
with cousins Kendra and Shelly

My Aunt Angie makes such beautiful pecan pies
and gifted me with one this year - Mmmmmm!

More goodies from my sweet Aunts

And lots of beautiful cards

My Arne's stocking is stuffed!

From Denise,
Arne got a new monogrammed stocking
with new toys and snackies

and she gifted me this fragrance warmer
-- check it out, its a little red radio that is
so very vintage, like me!

And I love the annual Photo Cards...

...including this one from my cousin Sherill's family--
they along with her brother Trey and his wife were
the hosts of this year's gathering. Great job!

My brother Kelly & wife Stacey
and their dogs, including Whiskey (below)
Whisky says, "Bah, humbug!"

Niece Lauren & fiance Will

Nephew Trevor & wife Sam

Pics of home courtesy of Denise Carlos

Check out my new Snowflake Lights on the patio wall!

Flagpole / Circle Drive
Dad's Orchard


And selected for this year's Christmas card is this one:


I'm glad you stopped in to browse and, 
as always, enjoy looking through 

Terry's Monthly Meditations

Coming January, 2024

In all of the world's religions, including Christianity, there is a thought-provoking history about adherents of that religion who practiced asceticism, or self-denial. One doesn't have to join a convent or monastery to engage in such personal commitment to spiritual practice, though without that community support the self-discipline required can be even more challenging.  I'm recommitting myself in the new year to my practice of social and media asceticism.  Learn more about this in my Meditation for January 2024.
May, 2023

February, 2023
In an Age of Division Can We Find Our Way
To Love and Accept Everyone?

January, 2023
What Do You Know About the Man?


More of Terry's Written Works

Short Stories:

Terry’s “Good Living” Guide:

Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics;
Beef, Butter, Breads;
Sedentary activities, Sugars, Salt.
Trust me,
you’ll be feeling better in no time!

Mind & Spirit:
Avoid the 3 F’s
Manufactured in these mediums are
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!



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