Tuesday, October 1, 2024


OCTOBER: Czech Heritage Month 
I have
raised the
Czech flag.

Spread the word:
Property for Sale!

Terry's Film Review:
Terry's Meditation
Terry's Articles of Interest:
          Trust me, this is worth reading!

Quarterly Music Review
          QUEEN: A Night At the Opera
Rev. Billy Graham

has a few important things
to say
about a man like Trump!

Rev. Graham's Sermon
Haunts Trump

Property Sale

My 3 acre property has 3 homes and provides a wonderful opportunity for a buyer to bring their extended family to live beside them in the other 2 homes - 
or, perhaps like me, you'll choose to rent the other 2 homes in order to provide you with a guaranteed monthly cashflow.

Please share this info with your contacts. 

Recent Comments: 

Thank you Brian Z. for your July 4 note:

"God Save Us From Trump, indeed!  Dude, great work, thank you for recording every one of those!  But, you do know they're not listening?  That's how we know it's a cult."

Thank you Liz J. for your August 2 note:

"Your story about your Mom and the JFK Assassination was beautiful.  My Mom also would often talk about where we were on that terrible day.  Your summation on the significance of that event for our country was also appreciated - [I] can tell you were a good teacher."
September, 2024

Enjoyed the Austin Mediterranean Festival again this year with friends and want to to thank Ken from St. Elias Orthodox Church for the tickets!
Dwight and I (above)
along with Chad and Vincent (below)
enjoyed gyros, baklava, gelato...
and great Greek music and dancers!


Tackling controversy.

Recent scenes on our news channels of college campus protestors and the present global concern they are screaming about have stirred a lot of emotions on the left and right in our country.

A family member asked for my thoughts.  

Love me or hate me, here's my opinion on the

____ Check out Terry's____

Top 3 Terry's Meditations
ranked by largest viewership:

November, 2023

April, 2024
____Check out Terry's____
Music Reviews!

Monthly summary:

my Dad's passing

& encountered a rattlesnake

enjoyed my Eclipse Tailgater

began a new history of Rome

[ Read Terry's April Diary]


arch 2024 diary  
My monthly summary 
  on visits with Dad, Easter,
  upgrades to Mom's site,
  a movie at Alamo-Mueller,
  and a bike ride with Chad...

arch was
Murder Mystery Month!

And I shared a teaser of
my novel-in-the-works:

"A Mostly Messy Murder"

New Short Story



New Book Review:


Previous Monthly Meditations:


"I am learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from the people and things not meant for me...."

"It is the moment of Enlightenment when one realizes that it is only in denying our self in order that we may look beyond ourselves at the larger world around us can the Good be accomplished, the Kingdom come, Peace be on Earth...."

[Index of Terry's
Monthly Meditations]

Book Review
House of Putin
by Craig Unger

"I couldn't put it down...explains much of what happened in the insane and chaotic Trump years. Illuminating... frightening." - Terry.
[Read Review]



Aug. 27 - Sept. 3


the Columbia River Gorge Scenic Highway, Multnomah Falls, Crown Point's Vista House, Silver Falls, Devil's Punch Bowl, Bridge of the Gods, Bridal Veil, Corvallis, Manzanita, Pittock Mansion, Lan Su Chinese Garden, Tillamook Creamery and much more...

Fleeing the horrid drought and three-digit temps of Texas, Chad and I headed to the lush green trails and refreshing waterfalls in Oregon.  

Portland was home base from which we ventured out each day for our adventures and many thanks to our lovely host there, Christie.  

travel down
Terry's Memory Lane 


   I hope you enjoy reading my works
     as much as I enjoyed writing them.
Portfolio of Terry's Written Work



An Engagement in Venice!

My niece Lauren,
recent A&M grad,
got a sparkly new
bauble on the final
stop of her European
summer tour. 

Congrats to Lauren
& fellow Aggie, Will!

So, this is happening. Hmm. 
Uncle Terry is old.

I loved watching my
niece Lauren [b 2001] and nephew Trevor [b 1999]
grow up together.  

Nephew Trevor and his lovely wife Sam
tied the knot over a year ago.

I enjoyed shopping sprees with them at Christmas and Birthday times. And especially loved watching from afar the joy and smiles they provided their grandma and grandpa, my folks.

to see
Terry's Family History

It's a wonderful thing witnessing a family's legacy, it's very future, unfolding before you.

I may not be too crazy about the getting older part, but I certainly wouldn't wish Time reversed only to lose these happy chapters in our family's story. 

Cheers to the happy couples!

60th Birthday? OMG!
Thank you family and friends
who came to my party on
April 16, 2023.

I wanted nothing more than to
be with those who've been
a blessing in my life and made

my 60 years so enjoyable. And,
I wanted to give back to you
in a small way on this special day.

I enjoyed all the wonderful

side dishes you provided
alongside my barbecue!


Happy Anniversary
Kelly & Stacey!
My brother Kelly and his wife Stacey
celebrating their 10th in November!

Terry’s “Good Living” Guide:

Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics;
Beef, Butter, Breads;
Sedentary activities, Sugars, Salt.
Trust me,
you’ll be feeling better in no time!

Mind & Spirit:
Avoid the 3 F’s
Manufactured in these mediums are
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!




I love coffee! 

I drink it morning through late afternoon.

Best Bean Ever!

While on my vacation in Oregon I fell in love with the many varieties I discovered at Portland Coffee Roasters, as well as their Mission & History

I recommend both Morning (I love the milk chocolate and cherry finish.)

and Steel (Most popular blend. One taste and you’ll see why: it’s rich, smooth, and full of sweet toffee flavor. It tastes great as both a coffee or an espresso. An instant classic when introduced over 20 years ago.)