Diary, March 2024

 MARCH was
    a very busy month!

Where to begin?  Let's start with Dad who,
    at the end of February turned 88!  

In my visits this month I have found him less and less communicative and he has now been put on the puree food menu.  The several times I visited at mealtime he ate every bit of his tray.  So the appetite remains fierce as ever, it's the swallowing of solids that was an issue.  I sit beside him and give him reports on their homeplace and the family.  He nods and will give rolling eyes when I say something outrageous.  Oh yeah, he's still listening.

Here I am visiting Dad
Easter Sunday, Mar. 31.
My Aunt Sharon took the pic.
We had a nice visit together.

Mom's plot got an upgrade
on her March 24 birthday.
I installed a graveside Meditation Bench
and two black vases
on either side of their headstone.

The installation of the new bench
and headstone vases
I did after giving both our Machu cemetery
and the adjacent Beard cemetery
a lovely mowing and edging
prior to the Easter Holy Week.

Oh lordy,
I struggled for over an hour & half
with spade, hoe, and pick ax
trying to remove this dead bush

from a bed near cemetery pavilion.
But I got 'er done!

And then I came home
later that same day
and dug out a dead bush in
my backyard
and planted this lovely new
red salvia for my hummingbirds

Speaking of family cemeteries,
I also visited the Taylor City Cemetery
and placed flowers on the graves of
my Loessin grandparents and
as well as my dear friend Jason.

Speaking of my
Loessin grandparents and my Dad
I redid these shadow boxes on the wall
of their items that have
special meaning for me.

Well, I don't know about you,
but after all that hard work
Arne and I needed a break!
Here we are chillin' 
on the patio
earbuds in while listening
to classical tunes
and reading my new mystery,
a glass of chilled
sparkling cider at hand,
and my best friend in my lap.

Chad and I really enjoyed
Dune: Part 2
at the Alamo Drafthouse --
Mueller location.
The food was actually pretty good.
Of course I also had the 
bottomless tub of popcorn!
Oh, yeah!
We're both really huge
Timothy Chalamet fans.
Oh, yeah!

And, on Easter Sunday,
Chad came out and we had
a very lovely day.
Chad gifted me with a new
snake plant, aka
Mother-in-law's tongue plant.

I named her
after everyone's 
favorite mother-in-law!

We made a healthy lunch
and did a bike ride out at
Lake Granger's Fox Park.
The bluebonnets were

Terry’s “Good Living” Guide:

Avoid the 3 PsBsSs
Processed Foods, Phthalates, Plastics;
Beef, Butter, Breads;
Sedentary activities, Sugars, Salt.
Trust me,
you’ll be feeling better in no time!

Mind & Spirit:
Avoid the 3 F’s
Manufactured in these mediums are
misinformation, fear, anger and hate!




I love coffee! 

I drink it morning through late afternoon.

Best Bean Ever!

While on my vacation in Oregon I fell in love with the many varieties I discovered at Portland Coffee Roasters, as well as their Mission & History

I recommend both Morning (I love the milk chocolate and cherry finish.)

and Steel (Most popular blend. One taste and you’ll see why: it’s rich, smooth, and full of sweet toffee flavor. It tastes great as both a coffee or an espresso. An instant classic when introduced over 20 years ago.)

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