Political Cartoons

Terry's New 
Political Cartoon Series


Welcome to my
"political commentary with humor" page. 

If we must put up with him for another 4 years
(and, let's face it, we'll be damn lucky if it is
just 4 years given his past behavior)

then I say let us not allow an opportunity
to laugh go to waste. 
Let's have some fun with it
(otherwise we'll go insane).

The Death of American Democracy
& the Rise of Trump

may not have been the future we envisioned
for our formerly well-educated society.  

But let's not pretend this outcome isn't one long ago predicted.  

The philosopher Aristotle warned us what would happen in a democracy where demagogues rose up and assumed immunity to the laws of that democracy.  

"For in democracies where the laws are not supreme, demagogues spring up. . . . Demagoguery is to a democracy . . . what tyranny is to other forms of monarchy. The spirit of both is the same, and they alike exercise a despotic rule over the better citizens. The decrees of the [demagogues] correspond to the edicts of the tyrant . . . . Such a democracy is fairly open to the objection that it is not a constitution at all; for where the laws are no longer applied to a privileged few, including the demagogue, there is no constitution. The law ought to be supreme over all . . . .when that is no longer true, a constitutional republic no longer exists."

[The Politics, Aristotle; 4th century B.C.]

And so, my friends, being delighted that I will have four years of material falling into my lap courtesy of
the emperor who wears no clothes,
I humbly present to you:

America's Inglorious Restoration
Volume 1

Vol 1; Issue 1 - Dec. 1, 2024
"It's Christmas in Moscow

Vol 1; Issue 2; Dec. 30, 2024
"The Inaugural" (8 panels)

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